Monday, December 22, 2008

A Simple Womans Daybook ~ December 22, 2008

FOR TODAY December 22, 2008...

Outside my window...Frigid breezes, thick snow, frosted windows, and quiet.

I am thinking...I should be cleaning, but I am tired. How long will the baby sleep. I don't want to go to the store.

I am thankful for...a warm home on such a cold, cold day.

From the learning rooms...School is on break for holiday.

From the kitchen...messy counters and chocolate chips ready to be used for cookies.

I am wearing...frazzled do, sweatshirt, jeans and baby spit.

I am creating...a rainbow colored dishcloth for my sister.

I am try and exercise this week.

I am reading...blogs

I am hoping...that everyone enjoys Christmas and realizes the true meaning and the greatest gift of all that was given.

I am hearing...the wind on the windows, the hum of the washer, the ticking of the clock.

Around the house...multiple started jobs that need to be finished.

One of my favorite things...finding new cool informative websites.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Spending time with family, shopping.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Star over Bethlehem Pictures, Images and Photos

For more Simple Woman Daybook entries visit the site here
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