Some highlights of the past year:
1. My son was born and it has been an eventful, trying and joyful experience these past few months with him.
2. My husband acquired a job that will definitely give us a stable future.
3. I was given notice of termination of a job I have held for 11.5 years.
4. My daughter started her senior year of high school.
5. I saw myself get the biggest I have ever been in my life...but........see below..
6. I started Weight Watchers and lost 5.6 pounds the first week.
7. My son asked Jesus into his heart.
Some goals and highlights of the coming year:
1. I hope to lose at least 40 pounds by the time my husband gets home and well over that by the end of 2009.
2. I hope to get my house in order, the way I see it in my head.
3. My daughter will graduate high school. I hope to take in so much of her this I know my time is getting limited before she leaves and becomes an adult.
4. My parents will celebrate a big anniversary.
5. I want to maintain exercising.
6. I would like to perfect couponing and set a budget.
7. I would like to get more involved with my son's homeschooling and really make sure he is on track.
8. I would like to be a better child of God, not only in my relationship with him, but also in how I am with my family and others.
9. I would like to be able to get so good at Guitar Hero that when my husband comes home, I beat the snot out of him...teehee.
10. I would like to get going on knitting more.
11. I would like to learn how to sew aprons.
12. I would like to take some photography courses.
13. I want to keep trying to fine tune being my husbands lover, confidante and best friend.
14. I would like to blog more often.
I also saw on another blog to find a word or a phrase that would be your mantra for 2009....and I liked that. My word is SEEK
1. To try to locate or discover; search for.
2. To endeavor to obtain or reach
3. To go to or toward.
4. To inquire for; request.
5. To try; endeavor.
6. To make a search or investigation.
I will...
-Seek God when I may be stressing out about all sorts of things that should be meaningless when I know he is looking out for me.
-Seek to find what speaks to my children's hearts.
-Seek information on budgeting and make it.
-Seek to offer peace to my husband when he carries the entire load financial.
-Seek to know my husband even better than the year before.
-Seek to find a hobby or something that I enjoy..taking time for myself.
-Seek out new friendships.
-Seek to be physically fit.
-Seek out the right foods to eat.
-Seek to blog more regularly.
Above all else Seek first the kingdom of God...and all these things will be added unto you.
Seek and ye shall find....
Be well...God's blessings on your New Year...